Notes On The Week: Weekly Forecast For January 15-21

via Library of Congress

Week Overview-
This is a busy week in the sky.  There will be SIX planets in the sign of Capricorn, so many planets in one sign cause intense energy in the themes ruled by Capricorn- career, work, legacy, and structures.  This week there may be structures crumbling or building around you.  Maybe a little of both.  With the New Moon there is a potent energy to get something off the ground, career wise on Tuesday and letting go of what holds us back from creating our legacy on Wednesday.  You may feel the stress of this energy but know that this is energy that wants to be worked with, you can bend it to create the structure you need to thrive.
Monday, January 15
Moon in Capricorn
We honor the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his wife Coretta Scott King with a hard working Moon in Capricorn.  This is a good day to think about legacy and those who came before you.  It’s amazing what family patterns and stories can show us about our own lives.  The Moon ignites a dream with Neptune preparing you for the New Moon in Capricorn and what the Universe would like you to receive for the rest of the year.  There may be looming feelings that what you desire is too big and can’t be received.  Relax into the waves of transformation coming over you.  Sometimes falling into the frequency is the best action you can take.   
Tuesday, January 16
New Moon in Capricorn at 6:17 pm
            Goes void of course at 10:30 pm
Today the Moon talks to everyone, or at least it feels that way.  You might wake up with some strong feelings about how you want to proceed with things.  Listen to those feelings they are meant to guide you toward your true alignment.  There’s an intimate discussion with Pluto about how to best step into your power, recalling things you were living through last week.  Your emotions feel expansive, as do your possibilities, and today is a great day to take action toward them.  These actions will bring you freedom quicker than you may have expected.  Bask in this feeling of freedom as the New Moon comes into position at 6:17 pm PST.  Hold this feeling of freedom as your intention for 2018.  The Universe can’t wait to deliver it to you in the crazy journey that’s going to be 2018.
Wednesday, January 17
Moon goes into Aquarius at 12:32 am
Venus goes into Aquarius at 5:44 pm
The Moon moves into Aquarius first thing on Wednesday.  You may feel detached from your current reality.  This is alright, it’s preparing you for the work you’re going to get done during this New Moon phase and throughout the year in general.  It gives you a chance to really examine where you are, and how you want to change this situation before you commit.  Venus also moves into Aquarius later in the day.  The planet of love, abundance, and creativity had the eye of restraint and elegance when it was in Capricorn-there were certain things that just wouldn’t fly in January that’d you’d been perfectly fine with you throughout 2017.  Now Venus in Aquarius is going to spend time examining this new situation she finds herself in.
Thursday, January 18
Moon in Aquarius
Today you may come across feelings of lack and/or binging behaviors.  Feeling you are not enough and overcompensating are two sides of the same coin.  It’s a great time to take a good hard look at why you feel this way around certain things, and what triggers these behaviors.  In these situations you may want to chastise yourself, that you’re the problem in this situation.  While there’s nothing more generous than taking responsibility for your place in the world, be kind with yourself and realize that the situation that you’re in plays a big part as well. 
Friday, January 19
Moon goes void of course at 3:52 am
Moon goes into Pisces at 12:26 pm
Today the Moon travels into Pisces after being void for a good chunk of the day from 3:52 am PST until 12:26 pm.  This makes for a lazy Friday, don’t bother to start any new projects, focus on your plans for the weekend, if you’re feeling a little antsy this is a great day to clean out the closet or do some other tidying task.  It’s a good day to meditate and express the dreams that were enlivened by the New Moon on Tuesday.  Continue to make space for these dreams in your life.  Later in the day the Sun moves into Aquarius.  Happy birthday to the Aquarius babies!  We may become much more rebellious in our realities, unsatisfied with the status quo.  
Saturday, January 20
Moon in Pisces
Saturday is a day for dreaming.  It’s important to dream while to get to work on projects.  Many see Saturday as a day to relax and have fun, but with the power of Saturn behind it, it’s also a great day to get stuff done.  Later on in the day you’ll be glad you let your ideas marinate in your mind.  Now is the time to communicate them in some way.  Be very specific with the details, you might be very surprised about the ways in which they show up.
Sunday, January 21
Moon goes void at 5:13 pm
Goes into Aries at 10:27 pm
Today’s a great day for action.  How do you want to enter this week?  Prepare, and you’ll be rewarded.  It may feel scary being a trailblazer on whatever path you’re on.  Remember, we need the knowledge you’re seeking, what you do for you, you also do for the collective.  The Moon goes void with a positive relationship to Mars at 5:13 pm PST.  Know whatever final actions you take before the Moon goes void will be fruitful.  Now it’s time to relax until the Moon travels into Aries at 10:27 pm.  This may make for restless sleep.  Sit in front of a fire or candle and read until you’re lulled back to dreamland.  Remember, you need your rest for the week ahead under such an active Aries Moon.


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