Notes on the Week: January 22-29

All times are Pacific Standard Time

Monday, January 22

Moon in Aries

What a lovely day for getting things started.  All that energy you were hoping for the week of the New Year has arrived.  With the Moon in Aries making lovely aspects to the Sun, and Venus this new project that you want to begin will satisfy your waking life, your creativity, and your financial life.  The Moon also squares Saturn challenging you to put the work in even if the endeavor scares you.  Be brave!  The results will be a breakthrough that will change your life forever.

Tuesday, January 23

Moon in Aries

Keep in mind as you’re going through the day- the Moon is going to go void at 8:16 pm.  If things feel strained today, and emotions run high, just remember there will be rest after the resistance.  Attempt to use the energy for your advantage.  When things feel heavy choose freedom.  Even if it feels impossible, choose freedom.  The odds are in your favor today, and make sure to rest when it’s all over.

Wednesday, January 24

Moon goes into Taurus at 5:39 am

            First Quarter Moon in Taurus at 2:20 pm

This is a hump day that’s going to feel like the weekend arrived early with the Moon in jovial Taurus, it wants to eat good food, listen to good music, and have good sex.  This Taurus Moon wants anything that seduces the senses.  That said, the Moon and Venus have a difficult relationship today.  This may be a great time for self-pleasure (however you may choose to interpret that!) and stay home from that midweek party.  There may be some hurt hearts out there who want to cry on your shoulder.  Be selective about who is allowed to cry on you. 

While we may want to go out and party it’s still the middle of the week and you may still have work that needs to get done.  Choose the simplest, most pleasurable place to do this (I’m thinking of a certain coffeeshop with an orange cappuccino right now) and you’ll be rewarded in productivity.  This First Quarter Moon wants to check in with how things are going with the energy of last week’s New Moon.  Check in on your intention, tweak it a needed and proceed.  Pat yourself on the back for keeping the course.  Sometimes this can feel like a scab that’s healing, you’re itching to go because you’re getting better, you can FEEL it.  This Capricorn year will get us there, just maybe not at the speed we desire.  It’s okay, the strength of your desire is what’s going to get you there.

Thursday, January 25

Moon in Taurus

            Goes void at 7:17 pm

Watch for a flip in the conversation today, and for people who are trying to communicate power plays.  Remember, you are the mage of your own Pluto and no one can collect your energy for their own bidding.  Oftentimes the most powerful thing you can do is simply leave the room and say you’re not playing in the sandbox anymore because the swings are looking much better and aren’t polluted with someone else’s toxic magic. 

Friday, January 26

Moon goes into Gemini at 9:40 am

Mars goes into Sagittarius at 4:57 am

This day starts off with Mars travelling into fiery Sagittarius.  This past week and last you developed intentions under the New Moon in Capricorn about things you wanted to bring to form in 2018.  With Mars in Scorpio at that time you took action by looking hard at your deepest desires.  Now with the warrior planet in the sign of ideas and travel this is a time to take action and continue planning how you want to reach your desires on this journey of 2018.  Get creative, Mars will help you find answers to unanswered questions in the tension of your longing for your desire and not quite knowing how to accept this desire into your life.  With the Moon entering Gemini today tell yourself a fairy tale with yourself as the heroine about how you plan to go on your quest.  With the Moon and Sun in a beautiful flowing relationship tonight it’s a perfect time to visualize your happy ending.

Saturday, January 27

Moon in Gemini

Today is a good day to believe what you see, not believe what you think you see, or want to see.  With the Moon in Gemini you’re attracted to people’s stories, you may even find yourself falling for a charming storyteller.  Just enjoy these stories for the night, don’t make them apart of your karma as they could later cause disillusionment and confusion.  There’s going to be a quick change in the action today as well.  Go toward freedom rather than chaos.

Sunday, January 28

Moon goes void of course at 2:39 am

            Goes into Cancer at 10:57 am

There’s an electric charge around what you desire for your emotional freedom.  Contemplate this in the morning so when the Moon goes into Cancer you don’t feel electrocuted by your feelings.  Take a bath, go for a walk by a body of water, dance it out.  You may also sense challenges and tension in the work week ahead.  First question- do you do work in your week that leaves you feeling aligned?  Second question- are there emotional blocks that keep you from getting the work you were sent here to do done?  You’re going for the feeling you get when you hike up a mountain or dive into a cold swimming pool, it’s cold, but ultimately very refreshing and leave you feeling alive.


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