Hanging Out in The Deep End of The Pool: Jupiter Enters Scorpio Horoscopes

Jupiter- The planet of abundance and excess, can be a jolly Santa Claus type, or that friend who is always suffering from FOMO, and wants to do EVERYTHING CHEERFULLY.  Take your pick on how you want to use the energy, recognize moments when the energy feels one way or the other.

Scorpio- The sign represented by the swamp.  A place where things can get stuck and fester, or a place where fertile mud helps beautiful things grow.  Once upon a time, a form of life came to be in the primordial ooze, and the rest is well, prehistory.  Millions of years after an adventurous animal waddled out of the ocean and onto land.  That waddling creature will be us choosing to be brave after psychologically processing everything in Scorpio, but we’ll talk more about that in November 2018.  Until then, lie down on the couch and let’s talk about how your Scorpio house is going to feel about the biggest planet, Jupiter, wading through its mud.

Check out your ascendant’s sign as well for a fuller picture of the next 13 months.

Aries, Jupiter moving through the eighth house
Hello there Aries.  Things are about to get really sexy.  Find a partner who really satisfies you (even if your partner happens to be yourself) this is a great time to really get down and dirty to find out what you like in bed (who knows, maybe it’s the complete opposite of dirty and naughty foreplay, have the courage to say what you want, and how you want it).  This doesn’t just go for sex, even though getting clear about sex is a root point for getting clear on all you desire.  Really delve into your longings.  Don’t worry about the why, honor what you want at the depths.  Trust that it’s there for a reason.

Taurus, Jupiter moving through the seventh house
Prepare to go deep with your one-on-one relationships.  This can be your lover and it can be your hairdresser.  People are going to want to tell you their secrets and reveal their desires.  Keep an open mind, but mind your boundaries.  As Brene Brown says, sometimes over sharing is a fake way of getting close.  Let anyone who does that, and anyone you don’t want to be close to leave your life this upcoming year.  This makes space to enjoy the relationships you really want.  Let them deepen.  As a Taurus, you know all about pleasure.  If asked for guidance from those closest to you offer your sage advice.  On a final note, this is also a great year to get married.

Gemini, Jupiter moving through the sixth house
There may be some pets coming into your life.  Also, there may be a bigger office space.  What you really want to pay attention to is where in your life does your heart open up and makes you want to serve others?  Not out of obligation, and not any of that original sin crap.  Where do you, as an already whole and worthy person feel fulfilled in serving?  This is a win-win situation (which you Geminis love).  Being good to others is good for you too.  In particular this applies to your health.  Pay attention to what you put into your body.  Jupiter’s excess may be trying to tell you something.  Even if you’re not ready to listen to the message note what’s happening.  Gradually these actions will guide you toward the right path of healing.

Cancer, Jupiter moving through the fifth house
This is a year to really let loose Cancer.  Sometimes you’re caught up in worry.  This is the year to explore what it means to let go of the things that constrict you.  Please don’t worry that you’ll get carried away in Jupiter’s energy, you won’t.  Use your discernment to mother yourself and know if you’re going too far.  That said, if there’s no imminent danger, or self-harm, go for it.  The theme of the next thirteen months is to have fun!  Have fun the way you did when you were a child, or the way you always wanted to when you were young with no goal in mind.  Engage in creativity and exciting love affairs.  Who knows, with all this fun you’re having you may find you were dancing up to the things you desired all along.

Leo, Jupiter moving through the fourth house
There’s a good chance you’ll be moving into a bigger home in the next year.  While you wait for the market and get your money together attend open houses, and check all the real estate websites.  Imagine how you want to feel in your new space.  Hold that vibration.  There’s nothing better than vibrations becoming realty reality.  Also see how your concept of home has changed since the last time Jupiter was in Scorpio twelve years ago.  What does home mean to you now?  What would you like home to mean to you?  The true feeling of home doesn’t come from anyone or anyplace else, but from inside you.  Throughout these thirteen months do little things every day to make your feeling of home your reality on the inside and out.  It will be a place you can go to whenever you want.

Virgo, Jupiter moving into sixth house
Well Virgo your relationship with your siblings may get closer than it’s ever been, or you’ll realize your siblings are people that you don’t need in your life except for holidays, or even at all.  It’s your call.  This is also time to start writing that romance novel you’ve been meaning to get to.  You may look prim and proper on the outside Virgo, but we know you have a desire to share thoughts that may be on the naughtier side of things, a sexy suspense mystery perhaps?  Go on short sexy weekend getaways this upcoming year, places you’ve always wanted to go to get it on.  Do your bones tell you to go to the mountains, the beach, both?  Go there and see what these places have to show you about who you really are inside. 

Libra, Jupiter moving through second house
In the upcoming year you can gain money, or spend lots of money on desirable things.  Maybe a little of both, remember it takes money to make money.  This is a good time to really dig deep about your values, your self-worth, and your money.  Spend and save money based on what makes you feel expansive.  Make value choices the same way.  Your values may be different from others and that’s okay.  The beauty of Scorpio is that you get to revel in what may be considered taboo, but know is true to you.  Libra, you don’t always have to go along with the crowd.  What you deeply desire will help you reach a point of expansive self-acceptance.

Scorpio, Jupiter moving through the first house
Sometimes we underestimate the transformational power of changing our look.  If there’s something you’ve been dreaming about doing, a new tattoo, a different haircut, more black in the wardrobe, go for it.  You walk around with yourself all day, and the way you feel matters.  Express your desires out in public, even if it scares you, so the universe can catch the frequency you’re putting down.  Your outside reality is going to match up with all the inner work you’ve done this previous year. 

Sagittarius, Jupiter moving through the twelfth house
The next thirteen months are going to be an epic spiritual quest.  Go to where your soul feels expansive.  In the end, you’ll learn that the truest place you can go to find truth is within yourself.  That said, it does help to seek out some guidance to help you determine truth from false idols.  Especially since being an inner explorer isn’t always truth and enlightenment.  You’ll uncover secrets about yourself and the institutions you’ve come to depend on that will never allow you to go home again.  The thing is though, understanding your depths is a more refreshing way to live.  Come November 2018 abundance will show up in your outer world after all the inner work you’ve done.

Capricorn, Jupiter moving through the eleventh house
How are your friends and family expanding this upcoming year?  What interests have you been wanting to pursue by joining a group?  What dreams have felt a little out of reach?  Now’s a great time to blow on the dandelion and breathe life into those desires.  You want to know what steps to take, oh practical Cap?  Try this.  Think of the how living your desires would make you feel.  Hold that feeling in you.  Wherever you go let it glow inside you.  When you feel off kilter, like if you’ve overdone it with the parties, get-togethers, and reunions, return to that glow and over the next thirteen months see what happens.  It may not feel like a straight line to your dreams because it isn’t.  It’s a beautiful journey.  You’ll get there, don’t worry.

Aquarius, Jupiter moving through the tenth house
Aquarius, you’re such a rebel, yet a person of the people, and your house of career is no exception.  You tap into your desires and the desires of others, and are not afraid to look at the secrets we keep to bring truth and healing to us all.  Use Jupiter’s energy to find the work that truly makes you feel expansive.  Don’t shy away from what will be useful for the greater good by getting lost in overworking.  Get truthful about what you want to do every day.  Astrologer Anne Ortelee wants us all to concentrate on “the legacy we want to leave behind” during this Jupiter in Scorpio.  Get clear on that legacy.  It feeds your soul and will save us all.

Pisces, Jupiter moving through the ninth house

Buy a ticket Pisces it’s time to travel the world.  Go places you never thought possible, or just never thought of going to in the first place.  Let your travels inform what next step you want to take in your life- law school, a PhD program, art school?  Maybe none of the above for the flowy fish.  Maybe it’s time to exercise all the new, bright, and beautiful options of the publishing world.  You can send your words over the airways with just the stroke of a key and a free blogging site.  Worried no one will listen?  Speak from your soul and see what happens.  Jupiter really loves hanging out in the ninth house, relish this chance to listen to your depths.



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