Venus Entering Sagittarius- What Does It Mean for Your Sign?

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Bright and early on Friday, December 1 Venus enters Sagittarius at 1:14 am PST until Sunday, December 24 at 9:26 pm PST.  Venus, the planet of love, beauty, creativity, and money is thrust from Scorpio, a watery sign that’s about the inner depths, into fiery Sagittarius, a sign about outer exploration, seeking truth, and expansion.

Let’s find out which area of your life seeks adventure, will fire up your love life, stoke your creativity, and bring you abundance!  Also, where to focus your energy over the upcoming month for greater clarity and truth, isn’t that what it’s all about?


Things have been popping off Aries.  This is usually nothing new for you, but with Jupiter trining Neptune when it comes to behind the scenes, and Mars and Uranus blowing things up in your outer life, it will be helpful to let Venus sprinkle this with some fairy dust as she flies into the fire of Sagittarius.  When things blow up, what’s your best bet?  Hit the road.  Travel overseas, or at least label what you’re going through as high adventure.  Fall into knowledge sources that pique your interest, and help you weather these explosions.  Did a book just fall off the shelf, or did you hear about it for the third time today?  Pick it up!  Read by the fireplace with a hot mug of your favorite drink.  Favor books about honoring the feminine.  Women Who Run with the Wolves anyone?  Channel your inner sexy librarian, it will be fun, and please Venus to no end.  Last note, keep an eye out for hot professors who want to talk theory with you under the mistletoe.  Champagne and philosophy on New Year’s Eve can definitely be a good mix.


Ah Taurus, not only does Venus enter Sagittarius under your moon (on a weekend no less!), Sagittarius falls in your 8th house of desire.  Venus can be very intense in this placement, with all the desire and truth seeking, but you’re so good at keeping yourself centered Taurus, maybe a bit of an electric storm in your heart is what you need!  Enjoy Friday with the Taurus moon doing all of the things you like to do- eating good food, listening to good music, dancing under the moonlight ;).  There’s a lot of emotional expansion happening in your relationships, let Venus’ energy in Sag help you find clarity when things feel overwhelming.  Use your intuition to draw you towards what you desire.  Taurus if you feel it in your body, you know it’s truth, and this is especially true during this time.  Keep this in mind also as Mercury goes into retrograde on December 3rd and meets up with Venus on December 15th.  Let this retrograde be a time to reflect on the big emotions and revolutionary actions taking place in your life at the moment.  Let Venus guide you with the feminine energy that you often find you crave in a world dominated by toxic patriarchal views.  See it as a grand divine feminine adventure which will steadily build when Venus enters Capricorn on December 24th.


Sometimes Gemini it’s just so hard to decide, you like to hear all sides of the story and, as Robert Greene notes in his book, The 48 Laws of Power, never really taking sides is a great source of power.  You know everyone comes to the table with their own truth.  With Venus entering Sagittarius it’s about you uncovering your truth when it comes to love, money, creativity, and the divine feminine within your intimate relationships.  This doesn’t just have to be a lover Gemini, even though with all things under Venus, there’s a good chance it is.  It can also be anyone you spend lots of face time with, a best friend, a coworker, a frenemy.  If this adventure is taking place at work let your creativity guide you, you prefer to find truth in the creative flow than what’s presented as fact.  Have the courage to take direct action when it comes to your creativity Gemini, you’re the storyteller and we need diverse stories right now.  You never know who your story will strike a chord with, and who it will inspire to tell theirs’ when they felt like they were unable to before hearing from you.  There’s great adventure in reflecting on what you’ve created in the light of the divine, look for guidance as you tell your story to a loved one who has earned your trust, through your creativity in your work you commune with the divine feminine in finding your truth, as Mercury goes into retrograde in Sagittarius as well on December 3rd, and under your full moon on the 3rd as well.


With Venus entering Sagittarius on December 1st the fiery feminine has entered your cave.  It’s here to warm you with truth.  Sometimes Cancer you love Venus and sometimes you can’t stand her.  Come sit by the fire to warm yourself and find clarity in how you want Venus to manifest in your everyday life on your terms.  Your mothering side may want to tamp out the fire as fire is inherently dangerous.  Other things that Venus represents- love, sexuality, creativity, receiving without giving first may feel dangerous as well, but don’t be afraid to really feel into your truth Cancer, you know you want to because this is where you find your ultimate comfort, that true feeling of home that you crave, and rightfully so.  Maybe these things scare you because you’ve been exposed to the toxic patriarchy’s version of Venus.  You listened to your gut, and were right not to go along with society’s representation.  What we all want to see Cancer is your truth in these areas.  We want to be witness to and supportive of your journey in getting to these truths.  Don’t worry, if there are parts of the journey that are too private, go in your cave where no one can see, we’ll wait with a warm mug of cocoa by the fire when you’re ready to share.  We want to hear about all the jagged crystals you saw when you were in the cave, and how they shone.  Not quite ready to shine on your own with all your new discoveries?  It’s okay, it’s probably for the better since Mercury goes into retrograde on December 3rd and it’s best for all of us to go into reflective states in our own caves.  Once the retrograde is over you’ll have already mulled over the things that might make for good New Year’s resolutions.  You’ll be ahead of the game, ready to climb out of the cave.  For now, come sit by the fire.


Oh Leo, holiday love is in the air and it’s fiery.  This may be rekindling a love that’s in need of a little warmth and a change of direction.  Even the best relationships must pivot and grow, and what better way to get that started than under the mistletoe?  This may mean big changes as your home is expanding and your tribe is feeling more and more like home as you return from all of your adventures from this past year and find a place to rest your head.  Home and settling down doesn’t need to be boring though, in fact it should continue to be a place where knowledge is cultivated and brings nourishment to your daily existence.  Leo, it’s your job on this planet to shine and you need a sturdy foundation to do so, this involves lots of fun inspired by the feminine.   


Hi Virgo, right now is a great time to decorate your home with items from your travels, or to order that Danish lamp you’ve been coveting, the one that exudes detail and hygge.  You find adventure in cleaning your home, and sometimes it seems like no one understands, or think it’s uptight, but is there anything better than coming home to a clean space?  No one complains when they come to stay now do they?  This could be a time when you make art of your home.  Are you thinking of DIY holiday presents for your friends and family, or maybe locking yourself in that space you’ve converted to an art studio to cope with the over cheeriness of the season?  Whatever calls you Virgo is a good call indeed.  Decorating for the holidays can be an adventure of itself.  You love creating small towns for electric trains, or bringing in decorations from around the world.  Decorate to your heart’s desire Virgo.  Ring it in Virgo, and have a wonderful time doing it. 


There’s nothing like a road trip to change your perspective on life Libra.  With this extra Mars energy in your waking life you are antsy to take action, or the action has been happening to you and you need to get away for a bit.  Maybe you’re feeling a little stuck in love, hit the road to fall in love with the zany and quirky places that are driving distance from your home.  Maybe you’ll meet a lonesome cowboy or cowgirl, or maybe you’ll fall in love with your ability to be independent and fend for yourself.  Such a journey will also inspire you creatively, a feminist response to On the Road?  Great photography?  Songs about being on the road?  If leaving home doesn’t tickle your fancy, listen to some music about leaving, and going away.  See the everyday as an adventure.  What if you looked at your morning and evening commute as an epic adventure, how does this change how you look at it?  Does this adventure provide you with the abundance you want to live your life?  It may be hard, but start with what you’re grateful for in this daily adventure you’ve been taking.  Think of novel ways you’d like to improve it, downloading Super Soul Sunday podcasts?  A travel humidifier with essential oils in your car?  Reading a really steamy romance novel on the train?  Being grateful doesn’t mean seeing what’s working and making do (I’m breathing, I should just be grateful and not continue to explore), no it means seeing what turns you on and building from that point (dare I say to ecstatic climax?).  Exploratory writing is also a great way to see where you’re grateful and where you want to climax (ahem, build) in those places.  Light a candle, play some classical music, or Dolly Parton, and clear your mind.  Write whatever comes to mind, or anything you’ve been wanting to write about.  See where it takes you.


Your creativity has been flowing Scorpio, and has only become more intense.  Use this energy to let the story inside you rise to the surface.  Please don’t dampen your genius with escapism.  It’s my hope that you got hot and heavy with your desires last month while Venus was in your own sign.  Now that Venus emerges from your watery depths and launches herself into the fire of Sagittarius, warm yourself by the fire instead of burning too bright and burning out.  A good place to start is by taking a hard look at your values.  Don’t listen to what others tell you about your own values dear Scorpio, listen to your heart, and know what you truly value even if others may consider it taboo.  Based on your value system, what do you want to create in the world?  Beautiful jewelry, folk music with sexy lyrics, a detective agency?  Go on an outer adventure, creating in the world what simmers in your inner depths.  The action that you put in now will further be funded by the actions of Mars in the upcoming weeks.  Not quite ready to make the leap into your entrepreneurial adventure?  Still not totally sure where to start?  Go back to meditate on that value system, especially with all these holidays coming up, get quiet and see what really matters to you.  It may or may not match up with what your family or the holiday industrial complex, or maybe covering your space with twinkling lights is exactly what warms you and puts you in a cheery spirit.  


Make way Sagittarius, up comes your birthday month, and up comes the romance and the cash materializing in your life.  Sag, it’s in your best interest to surrender to the feminine that is Venus.  Sometimes when you’re on your quest for truth you have a hard time believing it’s ok, heck all the more powerful really to surrender to the adventure.  You don’t want to believe in “Happily Ever After” because it’s what we’re told as kids.  Money may make you uneasy because it seems like the opposite of truth and “being clean” at times.  Here’s the thing Sag, you’ve experienced the sun going through your entire chart for another year and it’s time to step into your power.  Yes, this involves seeking truth and adventure, but with Venus entering your sign maybe think of it also as listening to your inner truth and seeking clarity that makes the Divine Feminine within you go, “Ahhhhh.”  This will be particularly helpful when Mercury goes retrograde on December 3rd and meets up with Venus on the morning of December 15th.  This may seem worrisome but it’s a day with some very cool potential for reflection that lead to revelations that propel you forward.  Let the inward journey inform your outer one, and know that “Happily ever after” is just the beginning of the adventure.  Time to write the fairy tale about what happens after, trust me, it gets real juicy.  


Capricorn, you work hard, and there may be times that this hard work gets in the way of making room for new pleasures in life.  Listen to the intuition of your Venus as she enters your twelfth house of hidden things in December.  This would be a great time to crack open Danielle LaPorte’s The Desire Map and get clarity about how you want to feel as you walk through the world in the upcoming new year.  Your outer world hasn’t been an easy place lately, inner calm can be the best warrior against this, Venus is here to help.  This may involve getting away from it all and buying a ticket to the last place you’d ever thought you’d visit.  It can also involve going on an inner adventure of the feminine.  Record your dreams, see what message they have to offer you.  Surrender and be a servant to pleasure.  What does that look like for you?


Aquarius now is a wonderful time to move into a career that has to do with the arts, or to bring an element of the arts into your career.  You’ve been tackling some inner emotions lately and getting out with the group is a great way to find new perspective.  Also, this is a wonderful time to do a ritual around your hopes and dreams.  Venus in your 11th house of aspirations is in the mood to give you what you want.  With the sign of Sagittarius in your 11th house Venus is seeking truth.  Get incredibly clear about your dreams, and proceed to do a ritual around beauty, fire, and air.  Glitter candles anyone?


Venus reports to your 10th house of career when it enters Sagittarius Pisces.  Here’s the funny thing, everyone always thinks you want to go with the flow, but while others are excited for the holidays, you’re rearing to work on that creative project you’ve been dreaming about all year.  Now’s the time to really plump it up and make it juicy for the new year.  Sneak off when you can with a cup of hot cocoa and create.  With Sagittarius in the 10th house you like adventure in your work.  Uninspired jobs leave you feeling droopy.  You’ve probably have felt droopy since grade school Pisces, unless Ms. Frizzle was your teacher, and have been silently putting up with this state of being while you retreat to your dream world to cope with the real world.  Pisces, I’m here to tell you to use your imagination to see the career that feeds you creatively, provides for you, and supports your feminine side.  Will this quest be easy?  Approaching it with courage might make it easier than you think dear Pisces.  Go on the adventure of making your dreams living truth.  Venus provides the divine feminine energy that keeps the process fun and frivolous, she encourages you to receive your dream through your intuition instead of pushing for things the way you were taught.  


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