November Horoscopes


The month starts off with your moon taking center stage.  Don’t let others trigger your emotions, instead surround yourself with things and experiences that bring you comfort.  Go out of your way and have the courage to give yourself some self-care.  This can be hard for you Aries sometimes!  Taking time out for yourself will also help you get really clear on your desires.  Neptune, in your house of hidden issues, is talking to Jupiter in your house of desires.  You want the abundance Jupiter can bring to be influenced by Neptune’s ability to see the dream.  This is much better than Jupiter’s abundance becoming an overdoing of Neptune’s escape into vices.  Halloween might have been quite the rager for you.  Which can weirdly lead to feelings of being cleansed.  Okay, now it’s time to make a cup of tea, meditate, and think about how you want the upcoming holiday season to be.

On Friday, November 3rd the full moon in Taurus falls in your second house of money, self-esteem, and what you value.  See the completion of things that drain your money, lower your self-esteem, and anything that’s not of value to you anymore.  It’s okay, just let it go.  You’ll feel lighter.  If you find yourself in a place where you just can’t let go yet, put the things you want to get rid of in the back of your mind, you don’t have to agonize over them Aries, just let these thoughts guide you, and see where you’re at come the new moon in Scorpio on the 18th, the sign of desires being met.

On November 5th Mercury travels into Sagittarius where it will remain until the second week of January.  In December, Mercury will go retrograde in this sign.  Get ahead of the curve by paying attention to the energy now.  If you’re in school, now is a great time to study and retain information, write your papers now for words that flow and thesis statements that will make leave professors impressed.  In general now’s the time to express concepts and be open to new philosophies.  Be open, you’ll be happy you were come December.

On November 7th Venus enters Scorpio in your 8th house.  If you’ve been dating someone this is the time when you either get down and dirty, or kick them to the curb!  It’s also a good time to honor that secret love that you’ve been scared to reveal to others, whether it be a secret crush, or your new-found love of astrology 😉.

The Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21st.  It’s in your ninth house, like Mercury and Saturn, encouraging you to speak your truth when it comes to ideas and philosophies.  Enjoy any holiday travel coming your way, whether it’s to go spend time with family, or escaping to a remote location to get away from it all.

Finally, also on November 21st Neptune stations to go direct after being retrograde since June.  You’ve had time to contemplate what you want the dream to be, now is a wonderful time to let that dream grow and get closer to reality.  Still not sure if you want to share it with the world?  That’s ok, now’s a great time to get lost in the research needed to make the dream come true.  Cuddle up by the fire with a cup of hot cocoa and dive in.    


This month starts off with you finding freedom in giving.  There may also be some irritation that you didn’t even realize was bothering you until now.  Take action to achieve harmony.  It may seem like there’s no solution at first, but then you may find that it’s staring you right in the face.  Also, yes this is the month of turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing, but this is going to be a steamy month for you too Taurus!  You may want to stay behind closed doors and get it on when possible!

On Friday the 3rd there’s a full moon in your sign.  Everyone’s going to be in the mood to do the things you already love to do, listen to good music, eat good food, have good sex.  Everyone would love it if you threw a party, or maybe you just want to see where the evening takes you in your pursuit of pleasure.

The next day you may receive news of a secret, use your senses to decide how you want to handle it. What is your gut telling you?

You may find that telling the truth is your best bet as Mercury moves into Scorpio on Saturday, November 5th.  Mercury’s winged sandals are going to be held to the fire that Sagittarius breaths.  This is a good time to get honest with yourself about what you desire.  Sometimes Taurus you feel that your wants are too much, but it’s important to remember that we live in a world that’s often starved for pleasure.  If you could lead the way and show us how to live more luscious lives we’d all be the happier for it.  Talk to those you trust about your desires.  Find a lover who hears what you want and wants to play along.

On November 7th Venus enters Scorpio.  This is a great time to realize your desires with those closest to you.  Keep your nails nice, there may be a holiday proposal in the works.  Venus the planet of love, creativity, and money will be married to Jupiter, the planet of abundance and truth in the sign of Scorpio.  This may lead to some big reveals regarding those you love.  Take deep breaths whatever it may be you can handle!

The secrets keep coming when the sun enters Scorpio on November 21st.  If you feel the need to speak your truth, now’s the time to do it.  This week people will be fiery in their words and actions, but might not be able to explain why they’re behaving in this way.  Don’t let them use you as a scapegoat Taurus.  Spend time with your tribe, the people you know will fight for you.  Speak your truth with them.  Their words of affirmation will launch you forward on your journey.

This is very important because on also November 21st Neptune is done with being retrograde.  You’ve reflected on what you wanted your dream to be, and now it’s time to receive it.  There’s a good chance this dream involves your tribe.  Maybe it’s about finding your true tribe.  Listen and watch closely.  Who are the people who light up your senses?  Who make you laugh and bring you joy?  That’s your tribe.  Go fourth. 


Dear Gemini, on November 3rd the full moon will illuminate things that you were trying to keep secret.  This is a good thing.  The secret you were hiding behind probably has something to do with how brilliant you are, yet you are scared to share this brilliance with the world.  Please reconsider, as we are in desperate need of some brilliance.    

With Mercury entering Sagittarius on the 5th find the people who are nearest to and reveal your secret.  Doesn’t it feel better to speak your truth?  Also listen to those people you’ve knighted as your secret keepers, they may have some truths of their own they’d like to share.

On November 7th watch for a very fluffy feline to enter your life.  No new pets?  With Venus in your 6th house in the sign of Scorpio there may be a blossoming romance at the office.  Take time with your body and decide to love yourself for exactly who you are.  What your body looks like tells a story, and that’s much more interesting than having it look the way you always wanted it to look in your head, everybody has a fabulous story, how can this story inform you about what you need to do to serve yourself creatively?

On the 21st the sun enters Sagittarius in your 7th house of one-on-one relationships.  This can be your lover, it could also be your lawyer (your lover may actually be a lawyer dear Gemini because they like the mazes you spin with words!).  Speak truth to the people who are closest to you.  If you gage a person, and word your comments in a way that makes you both accountable it will produce happy endings, and good beginnings for December. 

Also on the 21st Neptune is no longer retrograde.  What have you been dreaming for your career?  Now is a good time to go after it.  Lay the groundwork that will set you up for a great new year.  Does this involve changing your workspace?  If so, the energy is with you for making the leap.


With the full moon on November 3rd in you 11th house it’s a great Friday night to go to a party and celebrate being alive.  Impress others with your wit, and connect in deep philosophical conversations over a glass of wine under the shining Taurus moon.

Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Sagittarius on Sunday, November 5th.  Communication is often a great way to be of service.  How will you use your voice to help others?  Also, where are you not seeing truth in your workplace?  What are you going to do about it?

That Tuesday, November 7th Venus enters Scorpio.  Cancer, are you looking to make babies?  The rest of this month is a great time to do so.  If babies aren’t part of the plan, use the energy to birth something else.  What do you emotionally need to bring into this world? 

Tuesday, November 21st the sun goes into Sagittarius, echoing Mercury earlier in the month.  Remember the importance of keeping yourself replenished while you serve others.  Don’t believe me Cancer?  Try it.  Be extra nice to yourself and see how the people around you change.  When you feel good, so do others, it’s one of the best gifts you can give them.

Also on the 21st Neptune is no longer retrograde.  Ideas about how to be creative are surging and you’re ready to go!  You may have to pause and go to Thanksgiving dinner with family.  That said, maybe this new outlook on life you’ve developed will help you come to the Thanksgiving table with peace in your heart.  You can respect your family lineage, but not let it get in the way of your dreams.  The future generations will thank you later.


Hi Leo, you’re a month in to a big season of change that lasts until the end of June when you emerge from the underworld changed and never able to go back.  With the full moon in Taurus in your 10th house of career and legacy, what have you accomplished in these areas that you’re proud of?  What are things you’re ready to let go of to continue refining your legacy? Who do you want to be when you rise from the underworld come June of next year?

These all may feel like big questions, but luckily under the Taurus moon you can relax and take delight in earthly pleasures.  See what you’re drawn to and let that guide you through the bigger questions in life.

On Sunday, November 5th you may be hearing the truth from the mouth of babes.  You’ll also find that you express yourself best through your favorite creative pursuit.  This is the space to show your truth and thrive from it.

Two days later on Tuesday, November 7th Venus moves into your house of roots and family.  Let the secrets that Venus hears while she’s in this house also inform your creativity.  

The days leading up to Saturday, November 18th will inform you about what type of foundation nourishes you.  The new moon in Scorpio on the 18th gives you the opportunity to change your foundation in a way that meets with your deepest desires.

On Tuesday, November 21st the sun travels into Sagittarius.  You begin to embody the essence of the creative work you’ve been producing this month.  You’re drawn toward fun adventures.  Ask your inner child about what they see as truth.  Listen to these words as guidance.

Also on this day Neptune is no longer retrograde in Pisces.  This is a great time to let it rip with your dreams.  The planet of dreams, Neptune, is in the house of desires, the 8th house.  Basically, just go for it Leo.  Let it shine.


Leading up to the full moon in Taurus on Friday, November 3rd ideas have been sprouting in your mind like nobody’s business.  Which ones do you want to grow in the light of the full moon?  What things do you need to let go of to help these ideas grow?  Don’t doubt yourself Virgo, the planets are really in your favor this month, and with your analytical mind, we know your revelations are sound proof!

On Sunday, November 5th Mercury swoops into Sagittarius in your 4th house of home and foundation.  The best foundation is truth, and with Mercury in Sagittarius now is the time to tell it.  Clean house, metaphorically and physically.  

On Tuesday, November 7th Venus travels into the depths of Scorpio.  Look to your neighbors for some sugar if you’re looking for love.  The weekend of the 10th, 11th, and 12th is a great time to drive to the beach or the lake for a sexy weekend getaway before the crazy of the holiday season begins.  On Monday, November 13th Venus, the planet of love and creativity, meets up exactly with Jupiter, the planet of truth and abundance.  If anything, Virgo, you will receive a sign if you’re on the right path or not and how to proceed on the path most desired.

Clearer on your path?  Good, because on Saturday, November 18th there’s a new moon in Scorpio.  What has nourished you this past month?  Sometimes Virgo you like to go, go, go and serve everyone.  Take this time to really get clear on how you can serve your own desires, and how you can tie this into your new projects going forward.

Tuesday, November 21st the sun travels into Scorpio, this can mean many things for you Virgo.  It’s a good time to move, to get your home ready for the holidays, and to be thankful for the foundation you’ve created for yourself this past year.  Don’t be afraid to do any tweaking to create an even more ideal reality.  As astrologer Steven Forrest explains in his book, The Inner Sky, it’s the job of Virgo to find perfection in every moment they’re in.  With that said, if there’s something truly inkling at you, you of all people Virgo, have the foresight to fix it.  

Also on the same day Neptune is no longer retrograde in your 7th house.  Is there a dream you have about connecting with a certain person?  Now is the time to act on this (acting doesn’t have to be ACTION dear Virgo, it can also be making space in your life in a very deliberate way to receive this partnership).  Someone may drive up to you, hop in their car and drive off into the sunset.


Libra, this whole month is about taking action!  At times, this will probably feel a little uncomfortable, but remember, you have the people skills and the contacts to make it happen with grace.  On Friday, November 3rd the full moon in Taurus is all about physical desire for you Libra, whether it be body, food, a walk in the woods, or that new coat you’ve been coveting, it’s completely up to you.  Revel in it.

On Sunday, November 5th Mercury travels into Sagittarius.  If you’re having a hard time expressing your truth in your waking life, write it down!  Get really clear on what you want and what you know is right.

Two days later Venus dances into Scorpio.  Pay attention dear Libra, this will echo the pleasurable situation you got yourself into on the full moon.  Do you rendezvous with that tall dark handsome stranger again?  Maybe you need some boots to go with that coat.  All I can say is, don’t hold back, with Venus marrying Jupiter on Monday, November 13th there will be an abundance of Venusian things- love, money, sex, materializing in your life.

There’s a new moon in Scorpio on Saturday, November 18th only bringing more energy to your pleasures.  Start a new project from this pleasure point.  It will be fruitful.

When the sun goes into Sagittarius on Tuesday, November 21st it will bring light to what you wrote down as your truth earlier in the month.  Family outings will be refreshing this Thanksgiving week.  Also, Neptune is no longer retrograde on this day.  What have you been wishing you could change about your everyday life and your workplace?  Now that you’re clear begin to gather the knowledge you need to make this a reality.  Thinking about getting a Christmas puppy?  There may be a little fur ball at the shelter with your name on it.


Happy birthday season Scorpio!  Luck is on your side this month.  It doesn’t get much better than having the sun and Jupiter in your first house.  Use this month to think about what you want to bring into your life throughout November.  The sun and Jupiter will activate each other and with Jupiter in your sign until November of next year you’re golden baby.  Do not despair sweet Scorpio if a year isn’t long enough for materializing your deepest desires.  Next November when Jupiter leaves your watery sign it will enter your money house for another 13 months bringing the cash you need to see your desires take physical shape.

To further your desires into being, Mercury moves from your sign to Sagittarius on Sunday, November 5th.  Speak your truth!  Light candles and make a holiday budget.  Don’t see it as a bummer thing, see it as a manifestation thing.  The more clarity you have about your money throughout this coming year will prepare you for the landfall that’s coming your way.

Maybe you’re in the mood for love.  Come Tuesday, November 7th a secret crush is materializing on the wind to be your holiday sweetie.  Adventurous dates and cuddling up by the fire with some hot cocoa are both advised.  The women in your family may not approve, but remember it’s important to live your life the way you want.  Sometimes this is hard to remember around the holidays with all the emotions of others you’re picking up.  Draw a bubble bath, meditate with crystals, and find your true center.  Honor what YOU want.

With Ceres being the highest point in your chart this month really honor this time as a season of change for you Scorpio.  Cycles are everything and one of the overarching themes of astrology.  Endings can be really hard, but with endings come the new beginnings and who you’re meant to become.  It’s a difficult path Scorpio, but when you rise to the occasion the whole world is better for it.  Rituals will help you get through this- extra candle lighting and fizzy baths surrounded by crystals are a must for you this month.  Cleanse the baggage out of your soul, and like the phoenix, rise.


You’ve been working through some things in your waking life Sagittarius.  This is very much going to pay off this month and next.  Keep standing in your truth and speaking up for justice.  You’ve got this.

The full moon in Taurus on Friday, November 3rd shines light on the results of the pleasure principle you’ve been adding to your everyday routine and work.  Time flies when you’re having fun, and maybe it will come as a surprise how quickly the things you used to concentrate and worry about leave your life when you put your focus on what makes you happy.

Mercury enters your sign on Sunday, November 5th making what you say to others clear as a bell.  Walk away from those who pretend that they don’t hear your message.  They hear it, they’re just not ready for it, and therefore not worth your time.

Tuesday, November 7th Venus enters Scorpio in your 12th house of hidden things.  Don’t let the power of your own feminine energy scare you.  You may not understand your own strength.  It’s okay to do some research before you proceed to use your full powers.

On Monday, November 13th Venus and Jupiter meet up in Scorpio to give you information you are finally open to hear.  You’re ready, and as a lover of truth you’ve been waiting for this information for a while.  Own this knowledge, it’s powerful.

On Saturday, November 18th the new moon is in Scorpio.  This is a wonderful time to collect your thoughts and decide how you’ll go forward with the new knowledge you’ve gathered.  You’re a new person.  Similar to the one who went into this, but never to be the same again.  Also see it as a remembering of the essence of who you were when you were very small.  Set your sights on where you want to go from here.  Venture fourth!

On Tuesday, November 21st the sun travels into your sign Sagittarius.  This lets your essence shine through.  Your birthday season has begun!  Sure, you can make wishes, but you’re pretty sure about what you want.  Tell those you trust and let them help you make your dreams reality.  


You’ve been working really hard out there in the world Cap, or maybe the world’s been working really hard on you.  Well, come Friday, November 3rd it’s time to party under the Taurus full moon.  You deserve a good time.  This is also a good night for baby making if that’s something you’re into.

On Sunday, November 5th Mercury travels into Sagittarius in your house of hidden things.  Speak about what scares you and why.  You’ll feel better and it will help you on your journey.  Others may come to you with secrets and will appreciate the way you listen and provide honest, structured advice when asked for your opinion.

On Tuesday, November 7th Venus dives into Scorpio in your 11th house of groups.  You may find love at your local astrology club meeting, or may figure out a way to monetize your hobby.  Remember Venus is not only the planet of love, but also the planet of cash.  Especially keep this in mind on Monday, November 13th when Jupiter, the planet of knowledge and abundance meets up with Venus, also remember that Scorpio is the sign of desire.  A pretty potent potion is brewing in the sky!

Take all your new ideas and loves and really go fourth with them on Saturday, November 18th with the new moon in Scorpio.  Use this energy to manifest your desires and aspirations over the next 30 days.

On Tuesday, November 21st the sun goes into Sagittarius.  Be glad that you spoke about what scared you earlier in the month as some of these fears will come into the light at this time.  Also, once you talk about it, it’s easier to walk in your truth which is what the sun in Sagittarius is all about.  Neptune is also no longer retrograde on this day.  This is a great time to communicate your dreams, or maybe you have a dream about teaching a creative subject, writing, or communicating through another art medium.  Look for opportunities to seize this dream, and knowing you dear Capricorn, you’ll make some stellar opportunities for yourself!


The Taurus full moon on Friday, November 3rd is falling in your 4th house of home and foundation.  Find comfort in your home, or places that you consider home.  Invite your tribe over.  Give gratitude to this foundation you’ve created for yourself, and check-in with how you want to grow it.

On Sunday, November 5th Mercury travels into Sagittarius in your house of groups, the house that you, Aquarius, rule on the regular.  Now’s a great time to communicate with your tribe.  Also remember, if your group is a place where you can’t voice your opinion, and still be accepted it’s not home.  If that’s the case, think about how you see your ideal community.  Hold that vision.

Coming into the week on Tuesday, November 7th Venus goes into Scorpio.  Aquarius, the great thing about you is you’re never afraid to walk on the wild side.  Use this Venus energy to charge how you show up in the world, especially around your career.  Let it give you the extra edge in your creativity.  Also think about how to continue to bring feminism into your creative work and workspace.  What would true liberation look like in your work?

Venus meets up with Jupiter, the planet of knowledge and abundance on the 13th in your house of career.  This could mean a promotion or a raise.  Something luscious is coming your way.

On November 18th the new moon travels into Scorpio.  Maybe the surprise on the 13th wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be, maybe it’s time to change professions, or break out on your own.  Now’s the time to follow your own desires and consider how to make money from others.

On the 21st the sun moves into Sagittarius.  Find your truth in the groups you like to spend time with, also are there any aspirations from this past year that haven’t yet been realized?  Here’s the energy to make them happen, or at least lay the groundwork for making it happen in the new year.  This will be aided by Neptune no longer being retrograde on this day.  What are your dreams around money, and value in general?  This is a good time to pursue these fantasies and ground them in reality.


Pisces are you ready for your dreams to come true and materialize?  Here’s how to get ready the rest of the month so the transition from contemplation to reality happens with ease and grace.

On Friday, November 3rd the full moon in Taurus falls in your third house of neighbors, short trips, cars, and writing.  Throw a dinner party for the new neighbors, and use the produce from the garden you planted last spring, or contemplate what you want to plant in this upcoming year’s community garden, or take this as a sexy weekend to get away to some close yet lush destination.  Daydream about your own personal paradise where all your dreams have already come true. 

On Saturday, November 4th openly reflect upon your dreams, whether it’s putting them on paper, or telling that person you can truly bounce ideas off of.  Once you’ve had a moment to contemplate start laying down some ideas to get this dream off the ground.  You don’t need to take action yet, yet you want to have a good idea of what direction you want to go in. 

On Sunday, November 5th the energy may feel fierier as Mercury travels into Sagittarius where it’s more about truth telling than secrets.  This happens in your 10th house of work and career.  Get really honest with yourself and with others about what you want in the workplace.  Speak it now and see what happens in the next few months as other planets move into this house.  What you state now will go into action come winter.  In spring you may emerge in a completely new career, or a new embodiment of the one you have, until then you need to speak it, to believe it, to create it.  Communicate it with those you trust.  Not everyone can hear your truth, or have the imagination to see what you do career wise.

November 7 Venus enters Scorpio in your 9th house stirring up your desires in this area.  Is there something new you’ve been wanting to try be it with sex or money?  Now is the time to play with ideas that tantalize you.  Cuddle up with a book that you wouldn’t be caught reading in public whether it be about your sexual fantasies, or your millionaire dreams.  Travel somewhere you’ve always wanted to go for Thanksgiving, leaving everyone else behind.  A rooftop pool?  A lagoon?  A cabin in the woods on a lake?  You know where you’d rather be.

The sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21st.  This is where you begin to see yourself the way you want to in your career.  You spoke about it with the Universe with Mercury earlier in the month, now be it with the sun shining in the sign for the next 30 days.  Even if you’re not in the exact place you want to be, get yourself ready to receive exactly what you want.  Continue to seek truth in your workspace.  It’s possible, and it’s most likely helping clear away old injustices and things you were told about the way work was supposed to be.  Your actions help us all.

On November 22nd Neptune is no longer retrograde after being so all summer.  This is your planet Pisces.  Neptune is dreamy, spiritual, and can sometimes get a little carried away with the booze and drugs.  While some escapism every now and then can be very fun, especially around the holidays, Neptune is going direct in your sign!  This gives you the ability to change the tides and bring exactly what you want to come to shore.  What was the dream over the summer?  Now’s the time to bring it into reality.  Oftentimes Pisces you feel like things only happen for you behind the scenes, or things never quite end up the way you want them.  You go with the flow as the pretty fish you are, but this time Pisces you can get what you want, keep your eyes open and your net cast wide, it’s out there waiting for you.   


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